Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Earnings Statement?
- This statement provides employees with a more user friendly version of their statement of earnings.
How do I access the Earnings site?
- Employees will need to enter their employee id.
- Employees will need to enter either the last 4 or 5 digits of their SSN as well.
How do I find my Employee ID Number?
- An employee can contact their lead secretary or supervisor to obtain a copy of their employee Id Number. The help desk can also provide employees with obtaining their employee ID.
Why is the system not allowing me to access my Earnings Statement?
- Ensure you are using your WCPSS Employee ID number and either the correct last 4 or 5 of your SSN.
How do I print a copy of my Statements?
- Clicking the Export to PDF link at the top right hand of the screen will allow an employee to print a user friendly statement for their records.
How is my leave displayed
- The Earnings Statement displays YTD Earned, Used and Adjusted leave on a fiscal year basis. It provides the balance beginning July 1 through June 30th.
- Current period Earned and Current Period used displays the current monthly earnings period totals.
Why do I have both days and hours under my Earnings Statement?
- This is based on the employee’s assignments. Employees who are paid from different assignments may have one based on hours and the other on days.
Can I access my previous statements?
- Employees can access previous statements two different ways. They can click the “previous statement” key to toggle through past statements.
- Employee can also click the magnifying glass next to “Find more Statements” where their entire statement history is displayed.
Why is there no WCPSS Cost Totals on my previous year’s statements?
- Employees will only see WCPSS cost for the year 2017 forward.
Who do I contact for help understanding my Earnings Statement?